Re: Predictive Claim Intervals Mary Wepasnick 04 Dec 1995 17:27 UTC

I have found that if the claim cycles and the default claim cycles
are too short, there is a problem with past dues appearing on the
Claims Review too frequently--that is before issue could possible
be received due to mail delivery slow downs around holidays, weekends
or after claim is made, before claims could possible be processed by
publisher or vendor.  Through trial and error, I have found that these
claim cycles work well.

Regular Claim cycle:

Daily        7 days
Weekly      14 days
Monthly     30 days  (with slow monthly 60)
Biweekly    30 days
Bimonthly   60 days  (with slow bimonthly 90)
Quarterly   90 days
Semiannual  180 days
Annual      365 days  (or 2 year for slow)

Default Claim cycle:

Daily       30 days
Weekly      30 days
Monthly     60 days
BiWeekly    60 days
Quarterly   180 days
Semiannual  365 days

Mary Jane Wepasnick                   Phone: 716-375-2345
Periodicals Assistant                 Email:
Friedsam Memorial Library
St. Bonaventure, NY l4778