Thanks Re: Diplomatic Record Ceased? Danielle Argov 04 Dec 1995 15:58 UTC

Thank you very much for your answer. It was indeed very helpful.

Best regards,

Danielle Argov, Periodicals Department
Bloomfield Library for Humanities and Social Sciences
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus
Jerusalem 91905  Israel
tel: 972-2-882122  fax: 972-2-322435

> Harper Collins Press, the distributor of the title, has confirmed
> that the title ceased in 1993. Some back issues are available.
> I am pleased if the information is of assistance to you.
> Best regards,
> Edvika Popilskis
> Managing Editor
> Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
> e-mail:
> tel.: (908) 665 2875
> fax:  (908) 771 7725