OCLC Union List Users' Group Agenda--ALA Midwinter 1996 David Iversen 15 Nov 1995 20:48 UTC


It is not too early to begin making plans to attend the meeting of the
OCLC Union List User's Group (OULUG) at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in
San Antonio in January 1996. At the moment the time slot for the OULUG
meeting is Monday, January 22, 10:30-11:30. A location will not be
determined until after December 12. As with most ALA meetings, dates,
times and locations are subject to change, so be sure to double-check
the conference program and COGNOTES to confirm locations, dates, and
times. The tentative program (also subject to change) appears below:

                        OCLC Union List User's Group
                                ALA Midwinter
                                January 22, 1996
                                10:30-11:30 A.M.
                                Location: (tba)

1) OCLC Update/Q & A
2) NISO Z39.71 Update and Discussion
3) Union Listing of Electronic Journals: Procedures & Problems (Discussion)
4) Online Enhancements for the Union List Subsystem: Productivity, etc.--
        What is needed?
5) Future Topics/Directions for OULUG--e.g.
        a) Presentation/Speaker on CONSER Core Records?
        b) Serials with Accompanying Material in Electronic Format?
        c) Other topics?

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact either
me or Collette Mak at OCLC.



David Iversen
Head of Cataloging/Serials enthusiast
Cowles Library
Drake University
28th and University
Des Moines, IA 50311
(515) 271-2958 PHONE
(515) 271-3933 FAX

Collette Mak
OCLC Liaison to OULUG
(Note: Collette will be out of the office from now until Nov. 30)

P.S. I forgot to mention that I am serving as Chair of OULUG for 1996--Dave