Re: Collection development policy for general periodicals
Kathy_Schmidt@UWLAX.EDU 14 Nov 1995 16:45 UTC
I'm supposed to be doing the same. Could you post a summary of the
responses to the list (or possibly pass them on to me, whichever is easier)?
At 05:38 PM 11/10/95 EST, Cheryl Riley wrote:
>We are in the process of writing a definition/collection development policy
>of our general interest periodicals collection. These subscriptions are
>funded by the General Reference budget. If anyone is willing to share a
>good descriptive statement of their general periodicals, we'd appreciate it.
>Cheryl Riley, Catalog Maintenance Unit Head
>Ward Edwards Library
>Central Missouri State University
>Warrensburg, MO 64093-5020
>(816) 543-4071 / <RILEY@CMSUVMA.BITNET> / FAX: (816) 543-8001
Kathy Schmidt, Periodicals Librarian
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Phone: 608-785-8738
Murphy Library Fax: 608-785-8634
1631 Pine Street
La Crosse, WI 54601