Leadership in Acquisitions Award - Seeking nominations
Ron L. Ray 13 Nov 1995 22:29 UTC
Seeking Nominations for
Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award
The AS ALCTS Committee for the Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award is
seeking nominations for the 1996 award.
This award is given to recognize outstanding leadership in the field of
library acquisitions. The individual must demonstrate achievement in and
contributions to professional associations, the literature, the education of
acquisitions professionals, or the advancement of the profession.
Last year's award (the first) recognized the achievements and contributions
of Carol Chamberlain.
In addition to the citation, the award carries with it a cash grant to the
individual recipient of $1,500, donated by Harrassowitz of Wiesbaden, Germany.
Please submit nominations and supporting documentation to:
Trisha L. Davis
Chair, 1996 Leadership in
Library Acquisitions Award
Head, Continuation Acquisitions Division
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Avenue Mall 040N
Columbus, OH 43210
email: davis.115@osu.edu
Phone: (614) 292-6324
Fax: (614) 292-2015
Closing date for nominations is December 1, 1995
Other members of the committee are Kit Kennedy, Director, Academic Sales,
Readmore, and Ron Ray, Technical Services Librarian, University of the
Pacific Libraries. For further information about the award or the process
of nominating individuals, contact any of the committee members.