Centralized vs. Decentralized serials check-in Kamala Narayanan 03 Nov 1995 19:21 UTC

Ed. note:  For additional info. about this topic, the editor recommends
a search through SERIALST's archives -- esp. for Oct.-Nov. 1993. (Use
the LDBASE archives at listserv@uvmvm.uvm.edu  or the WAIS index at:
URL:  gopher://moose.uvm.edu:70/77/.index/wais-indexes/serialst).
Additional and more current discussion is, of course, welcome.   -- Birdie

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am trying to find out if there are any academic libraries out there that
moved recently from a Centralized to a Decentralized Serials Check-In or
vice versa.  I'm looking at libraries in an automated setting. We are
on NOTIS. What were the greatest advantages and the most difficult problems?
Any information/advice on this topic is appreciated. Thank you.

Mrs Kamala.S.Narayanan           Userid:narayana@qucdn.queensu.ca
Serials Librarian                Phone :(613) 545-6000 ext 4540
Mackintoh Corry Hall             Fax   :(613) 545-6819
Library, Acquisitions/Serials
Queen's University,Kingston. Ontario K7L 5C4 Canada