Peptides. Supplements? (Steve Murden) Ann Ercelawn 29 Nov 1995 19:20 UTC

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 13:46:50 -0400
From: Steve Murden <SMURDEN@GEMS.VCU.EDU>
Subject: Peptides.  Supplements?

Does anyone have any indication that supplements are still being
produced for Peptides (Pergamon; 0196-9781)?

We received our last supplement as v.9:sup.1 (1988).  Has anyone
received anything since then?

Also, can anyone tell me what earlier sups. they have in their
holdings?  We have:
     v.1:sup.1 (1980)
     v.2:sup.1-2 (1981)
     v.5:sup.1 (1984)
     v.6:sup.1,3 (1985)
     v.7:sup.1 (1986)

Please reply off-list.  If there's any interest in the results,
I'll be glad to summarize for the list.  Thanks for any help anyone
can provide.

Steve Murden
Virginia Commonwealth University