Re: ? Names for Periodicals/Journals Area (Donnice Cochenour) Ann Ercelawn 29 Nov 1995 14:33 UTC

Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 16:33:58 -0700 (MST)
From: Donnice Cochenour <DCochenour@VINES.COLOSTATE.EDU>
Subject: Re: ? Names for Periodicals/Journals Area (Cindy C line)

At Colorado State University Libraries we have a "current periodicals room"
 which includes most of the items you list in your Unbound Issues list.
We do include periodicals received prebound and have approximately 200 periodicals in the room.   One of the driving criteria is how the
title is indexed.  If it acts like a periodical, we locate it in the
"current periodicals room."

We, too, are in the middle of expanding our building and will have a new
area next year.   This new area will be called the "journal room" and the
bound volumes are going into compact shelving which is designated as the
"bound journals" area.  Currently our bound journals are intershelved with
monographs.  Serial publications (non-periodicals) will continue to be
intershelved with monographs in the new facility.  The change in name was
made more for political reasons that because of any dissatisfaction with
the existing name.  A different donor is sponsoring the new room and wanted
a different name.  The "current periodicals room" requires continual
education about what constitutes "current" (we keep the current year plus
one in the room before binding);  other than that, we've been satisfied
with the name.


Donnice Cochenour
Serials Librarian
Colorado State University Libraries
Ft.Collins, CO 80523
(970) 491-1821
(970) 491-1195 (fax)