Signage Wrap up/Thank you/American Visions Jeanette Skwor 02 Nov 1995 19:26 UTC

Thanks to all who answered my recent queries.  (I did, indeed, have copies
of Marine & Freshwater Research lying about, waiting to be discovered!)

The upshot of the signage discussion is that most libraries have the
information online and patrons are expected to see it there.  People also
pointed out that many/most patrons look for journal articles, index
citation in hand and are not really concerned with what the journal used to
be titled or to what the title has been changed.  Just one library posts
signs for all categories consistently and leaves them up, both in paper
and microfilm.

The libraries that do use signage most often use a block/book type sign,
which is placed right on the shelf, either the first of a run ("continued
from") or at the end of it ("continued by...").  More libraries use the
"continued by" than use the other.

Not much was said about microfilm, although one library did say their
microfilm and paper collections are shelved together.

The best quote that came out of this:  "No matter what, patrons
don't read . . . either signs or the public catalog."  Amen.

I haven't heard from anyone on my American Visions question.  (I'm missing
a year's worth of my subscription, from v.8 #5 - v.9 #6 plus haven't
received any since v.10 #2 in April).  Is everyone else receiving
regularly?  And what do you do when you claim and reclaim and what you are
missing cost a bundle and you are told, sorry, we don't have any more of
those and you ask for a refund, then, and are ignored?

Thanks again--

Jeanette Skwor
Cofrin Library, Serials Dept
University of WI-Green Bay