Mutilated Materials (Joan Kammerer) Ann Ercelawn 24 Nov 1995 16:17 UTC

Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 09:49:18 -0500
From: Joan Kammerer <kammerer@LIB.UWO.CA>
Subject: Mutilated material


I know that this library is not alone when it comes to experiencing
mutilation of journals and monographs, i.e. pages or whole
articles/chapters razored out of a volume.  What do you do when this
violation is discovered?

At this library (one that serves the Faculties of Allied Health
Sciences, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Science), every attempt is
made to acquire photocopies of the missing pages for tipping into the
volume or, if colour copies are required, the volume itself so that
local copying can be done.  Without having recorded accurate
statistics, I imagine that this happens at least once a week.

Do you follow this same practice or do you perhaps simply annotate the
volume acknowledging that there are missing pages and let it go at

Your responses will be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks.

Joan Kammerer

Joan Kammerer                                (519) 679-2111 Ext. 6369
Inventory Control                            E-mail
Allyn and Betty Taylor Library               FAX     (519) 661-3435
Natural Sciences Centre
University of Western Ontario
LONDON, Ontario
N6A 5B7