SERIALST Scope & Purpose (rev. Nov. 1995) Birdie MacLennan 02 Nov 1995 15:14 UTC

                       SERIALST SCOPE & PURPOSE
                       SELECTED COMMAND OPTIONS
                                                  (Revised Nov. 1995)

An HTML version of this document (including hypertext links to
each of the Scope & Purpose sections, as well as to documents that are
cross-referenced on the fileserver) is maintained on the World
Wide Web at URL:

This revision includes updates to the listing and availability
of documents on SERIALST's filserver.

1.0. Scope & Purpose ..................................line 26
2.0. Disclaimer .......................................line 85
3.0. Fileserver for Time Sensitive Documents ..........line 96
4.0. Selected Command Options .........................line 164
4.1.   Cancelled from SERIALST? .......................line 215
5.0. Retrieving Information From SERIALST's Archives ..line 224
5.1.   LISTSERV Database Documentation ................line 234
5.2.   Gopher Instructions (WAIS Searching) ...........line 261
6.0  Contact Information: Listowner & Moderators ......line 332


SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum) was established in
October 1990, with technical support from the Office of Academic Computing
at the University of Vermont (UVM), in order to serve as an informal
electronic forum for most aspects of serials processing in libraries.
Appropriate topics include (but are not limited to):  cataloging,
acquisitions, collection management, serials budgets and pricing
concerns, binding, preservation, microfilm and other non print serials
media, union list activities, announcements, news, and job postings
that are of interest to the serials community.  ** SERIALST is NOT
SERIALS. **  SERIALST's subscriber base is currently at @ 2300+
subscribers in 36 countries.

Prior to November 25, 1991, SERIALST was an unmoderated forum.  On
November 25, parameters of the LISTSERV software (which supports
SERIALST) were changed to support collaboration between multiple
moderators, in different geographical locations.  Messages that are
sent to SERIALST are reviewed by the moderators, who then forward
messages on appropriate topics to subscribers of SERIALST.  When
sending mail to SERIALST, please keep it to 350 lines or less and
break longer messages into multiple, short, "serial" messages.
Address messages to:  SERIALST@UVMVM.UVM.EDU   or
  (please do not send mail intended for the list to individual
   moderators' addresses which inevitably causes confusion and
   slows our ability to post)

Please read messages carefully for appropriate addresses before
automatically sending your reply.  PLEASE NOTE that when you
"reply" directly to a SERIALST message, you are usually (but not
always) replying back to the list, and not necessarily to the
individual who sent the message.  While we make every attempt to
screen messages carefully, we cannot take responsibility for
forwarding replies intended for individuals to the appropriate
person.  Please take care in your responses.  Make sure that replies
not intended for the list are directed to the appropriate address.

SERIALST's policy toward cross-posting of messages from other
lists is that it's generally fine -- SO LONG AS THE CROSS-POSTED
MESSAGE IS FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR of the message.  However, we
will forward other people's messages ONLY if we have the permission
of the original author of the message -- unless the message is obviously
very public and intended for cross-posting (as in general library or
networking news messages that are important, timely, and relevant to
the subscribership).  If you want to post someone else's message to
SERIALST, please get their permission before you send it to the list.

Selected postings from SERIALST, related to serials pricing, may also
appear in the electronic publication: _NEWSLETTER ON SERIALS PRICING
ISSUES_.  Subscribers to SERIALST will benefit from a more in depth look
at serial pricing concerns if they also subscribe to the _NEWSLETTER
ON SERIALS PRICING ISSUES_ (to subscribe send a one line message:
SUBSCRIBE PRICES <your name>, to:, or contact the
editor, Marcia Tuttle at:


*** Disclaimer:  The University of Vermont offers SERIALST as a public
service.  It does not verify the accuracy of submitted messages, nor
does it endorse opinions expressed by contributors to the SERIALST
forum.  Authors of messages to SERIALST are solely responsible for
their content.  The moderators reserve the right to reject postings
that do not fall within the scope and purpose of the list. ***


SERIALST also offers a fileserver for documents of an important
or timely nature.  There are four documents (in addition to the
the discussion list archives) that are available on the fileserver:

 *** The SERIALST Welcome message (a.k.a. the Scope and Purpose
     Statement) - includes an overview of the list, basic LISTSERV
     commands and information about retrieving information from the
     discussion archives.  This file is periodically posted to SERIALST
     as it is revised.

     To receive a copy of this file, issue a one line e-mail message
     to:   that reads:

                GET SERIALST WELCOME

     An HTML version of this document is available on the World Wide
     Web at URL:

 *** CONSER Core Record Guidelines for Printed Serials - as issued
     in a Jan. 12, 1995 CONSER memo to SERIALST.

     To receive a copy of this file, issue a one line e-mail message
     to:    that reads:

                   GET CONSER CORE

     This document is also available on the World Wide Web at:

     (note:  the CONSER Core Record, as defined in this document, as
      well as detailed information on its implementation, is included
      in the 1st update to the 1994 ed. of the _CONSER Editing Guide_)

 ***  Format Integration and Its Impact on Serials
      by Jean Hirons (posted to SERIALST on Oct. 19, 1995)

      To receive a copy of this file, issue a one line e-mail message
      to:   that reads:

                   GET SERIALS FI9510

      This document is also available on the World Wide Web at URL:

 ***  Format Integration Guide for Printed Serials
      by Crystal Graham (posted to SERIALST on Feb. 8 &
      revised on Feb. 18, 1995)

      To receive a copy of this file, issue a one line e-mail message
      to:  that reads:

                   GET SERIALS FI9502

      This document is also available on the World Wide Web at URL:

You may retrieve a copy of the SERIALST filelist to review the index,
or list of files available on the server by issuing an e-mail request

                    INDEX SERIALST  [or]
                    GET SERIALST FILELIST

(these commands are synonymous and either of them will get the same results)


   NOTE:  Send all commands to:  LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU  or

SUBSCRIBE SERIALST <your name> - To join the discussion forum.

UNSUBSCRIBE SERIALST - To unsubscribe from (or signoff of) the
   discussion forum.  SIGNOFF SERIALST does the same thing.

SET <mail distribution option> Commands:
  SET SERIALST MAIL   - to receive individual mail messages as they
                        are posted to the list (default setting).
  SET SERIALST NOMAIL - to stop list mail from being delivered to
                        your address; to resume mail, issue the
                        SET SERIALST MAIL command.
  SET SERIALST DIGEST - to receive daily digests of all messages
                        posted to the list (1750 line limit).
  SET SERIALST INDEX  - to receive daily index summaries of mail
                        posted to the list.

<NOTE about SET Options:  You can only SET one mail distribution
 option at a time.  You have to choose one option that best suits
 your needs at a given time.>

QUERY SERIALST - Displays your mail distribution option settings (i.e.,
   whether or not you are set to "digest", or "nomail", et al.); will
   also tell you whether or not you are signed onto the list.

REVIEW SERIALST - To retrieve a list of subscribers to SERIALST (name
   and e-mail address), arranged alpha by @<node> (i.e., e-mail address).

REVIEW SERIALST BY NAME - To retrieve a list of subscribers to
   SERIALST, arranged by last name.

INFO REFCARD - To retrieve a more complete listing of General User
   Commands (i.e., the LISTSERV Reference Card) for LISTSERV 1.8b.

** The above commands can be sent either by:
    (1)  sending an interactive message to:  LISTSERV@UVMVM, or
    (2)  by sending the command as a one line message to:
               LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU    or

Please don't send LISTSERV commands to the SERIALST address.
The LISTSERV address is for issuing COMMANDS, while
the SERIALST address is for messages intended for the
distribution to the subscribership.

You may be cancelled from SERIALST without notification if certain
network complications arise.  If you fail to receive SERIALST messages
for an inordinate amount of time, use the QUERY or REVIEW command (as
described in the preceding list of commands) to find out if your name
is present on the distribution list.


All messages to SERIALST are automatically archived by month.  You
   may retrieve the monthly archives by issuing the command:
      GET SERIALST LOGyymm  (ex., get serialst log9506)
   to:  LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU.  The server will automatically
   send the monthly archive that is specified (since Oct. 1990).


It is also possible to search the entire SERIALST message database
interactively, or by submitting batch search jobs to LISTSERV@UVMVM
via e-mail message.

You may search by BOOLEAN queries and/or search limitations by date.
Because of the involved set of search commands and space limitations of
this document, interested users are referred to two other documents for
the specifics of LISTSERV search commands:

  *** LISTSERV Database Functions: Available by sending a two word
         message:  INFO DATABASE    to:  LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU
       This is a lengthy (2148 lines), but comprehensive document.

  *** Bailey, Jr., Charles W., "How to Search the PACS-L Message
         Database."  This document gives a concise (156 lines)
         overview of Listserv database functions as they relate
         to the PACS-L@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU forum, and is useful as a
         guide for searching any LISTSERV discussion forum
         (including SERIALST) that maintains database archives.
         Retrieve this document by sending a one line message to:
            LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU (do not send to LISTSERV@UVMVM)
         The message should say:  GET SEARCH DOC


The SERIALST logs from Oct. 1990 to the present have been indexed
on the University of Vermont's (UVM) gopher.

To get to SERIALST's archives via the UVM gopher:

       URL:  gopher://
         1.  Point your gopher client to: (port 70)
         2.  Select #5:  Other UVM Gophers and Information Resources/
         3.  Select #6:  UVM Listserver Archives/
         4.  Select #4 from the archives listing:  SERIALST ... index
         5.  Specify your search (see search options below)
         6.  Follow help and escape option commands, as listed
             at the bottom of the screen, for more information,
             help, to exit, etc.

If you don't have access to a gopher client at your local site, you
may access the UVM gopher via one of the telnet-accessible anonymous
gopher clients, such as the "mother gopher" at U. Minnesota (telnet
to: ; login as: gopher), the gopher at
UIUC  (telnet to: ; login as: gopher), et al.

You may search SERIALST from the gopher using an enhanced WAIS search
engine that includes the following features:

     Boolean "and" and "not" operators
          e.g.: pergamon not elsevier  - retrieves messages with pergamon,
                                         but not elsevier in them
                pergamon and elsevier  - retrieves messages with both pergamon
                                         and elsevier in them

     Simple keyword searching ("or" is implied):
          e.g.:  pergamon elsevier  - retrieves messages where either
                                       pergamon or elsevier is present

     Literal string matching:
          e.g.:  'informal serials instruction'   or
                 "informal serials instruction"
          use of either double or single quotes around a phrase or
          set of characters will retrieve all instances of that phrase.

     Search truncation:
          e.g.:  hum*
          use of the asterisk at the end of your search string will
          retrieve words starting with the character string "hum"
          such as human, humor, hummingbird, etc.

Note 1:  The sort order of search results is based on relevancy ranking,
which is defined by the number of occurrences of the search term(s) in
the message(s).

Note 2:  The search engine will not properly index words that occur
more than 32,000 times.  Beware of starting a search with the word

Note 3:  The UVM Gopher Listserver indexes are updated irregularly.
They are not updated dynamically (i.e., the message you post today,
may not be gopher-indexed for several weeks or months or whenever
computer center staff have time to update the gopher index).

Note 4:  As noted above, it is possible to search SERIALST using LISTSERV's
LDBASE, and also to be a bit more specific and exacting in your search
requests -- if you are familiar with this program.  LDBASE automatically
indexes messages as they are posted.  Since this feature is automatic,
it is the timeliest method for retrieving the most current messages from
the SERIALST archives.


For additional information about SERIALST contact:

Birdie MacLennan
Listowner & Moderator          
University of Vermont          

Marcia Tuttle
Associate Moderator
Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Ann Ercelawn
Associate Moderator            
Vanderbilt University                    ercelaa@vuctrvax.bitnet