MARC on WWW (Sally McCallum) Ann Ercelawn 19 Oct 1995 18:50 UTC

Forwarded to SERIALST from the USMARC List, FYI.  --bml

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:53:22 -0400
From: Sally H. McCallum <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: MARC on WWW

ANNOUNCING:   http:\\marc

Some of you may have already discovered that we have developed the MARC
Home Page that provides WWW access to all that is available on the LC MARVEL
gopher (MARC Advisory Group Proposals and Discussion Papers, MARBI Minutes,
Concise format documentation, code lists, MARC forum archives and indexes to
all the above) plus additional material.  It provides easier navigation
among the various items.  In addition to the previously available documents,
the new features of the MARC Home Page include:

        Brief descriptive information about the MARC maintenance agencies
        A separate news and announcements section
        Links to the Cataloging Distribution Service catalog for ordering
format documentation and MARC record products
        A MARC user notes section where various items that clarify or
explain various aspects of MARC use will be found
        A MARC utilities section

In this last section we want to list free or shareware available for use as
a MARC tools.  The first listing is a utility that LC uses for converting
structured word processing files into MARC files and vice-versa.  The manual
for the utility is available on the WEB along with ftp access to the
executable program, related files, and test files.

The MARC Home Page is also accessible from the Library of Congress Home
Page(http:\ by selecting Services and Publications.

We look forward to augmenting particularly the MARC documentation section
and the MARC utilities.  Please send comments to

Sally H. McCallum, Chief, Network Development and
MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540   USA    (Fax: 1-202-707 0115) (Voice: 1-202-707 5119)