Grey Literature Conference Update (Dominic Farace) Ann Ercelawn 16 Oct 1995 23:09 UTC

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 16:50:45 -0500 (EST)
Comments: Originally-From: Dominic Farace <>

                                GL'95 Final Memorandum, 16 October 1995

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the GL'95 Program Committee, I would like to inform
you of certain revisions that have been made in the Plenary Sessions.

The Committee is looking forward to your presence at the Second
International Conference on Grey Literature from 2-3 November 1995
in Washington D.C., USA.

SESSION: AUTHOR(S):              ORGANISATION:               COUNTRY:
One:    "New Forms of Grey Literature in Networked Environments"
One      Basili, C./Luzi, D.     CNR-ISRDS                   Italy
One      Gelfand, J.             University of California    USA
One      Kreitz, P.              Stanford University SLAC    USA
One      Shraiberg, Y.           NPLS&T                      Russia
Two:    "Marketing and Promotional Activities Aligned to Grey Literature"
Two      Aina, L.O.              University of Botswana      Botswana
Two      Evans, T.P./Li, M.H.    Rutgers University          USA
Two      Hlava, M.M.K.           Access Innovations Inc.     USA
Two      Thompson, P. [et al]    World Press Centre          UK
Three:  "Management of Grey Literature in Regional and Global Contexts"
Three    Campanile, A.           National Research Council   Italy
Three    Comberousse, M.         Ministry of Education       France
Three    Kumbar, T.S.            Institute of Technology     India
Three    Lux, C.                 Senatsbibliothek Berlin     Germany

Twenty other Scientific and Technical papers will be delivered during the
GL'95 Satellite Sessions by authors from all over the world.

If you are involved in Grey Literature, you will certainly not want to
miss this truly International S&T Event. Please mark your agenda
accordingly and register as soon as possible.

With kind regards,

Dr. Dominic J. Farace
Conference Director

P.S. The Revised GL'95 Pre-Program is now available via email and gopher!


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