Technical Services Workstations Institute Ann Ercelawn 16 Oct 1995 18:36 UTC

Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 14:10:11 -0400
Subject: Conference: Technical Services Workstations




Cosponsored by The Association for Library Collections & Technical
Services, A Division of the American Library Association, SUNY/OCLC, and

November 15 in Washington D.C., cosponsored by FLICC/FEDLINK and The CAPCON
Network.  Registration deadline is November 1 (or when filled).  Institute
and housing sites to be announced.

November 17 at the CUNY Graduate Center, New York City, cosponsored by
SUNY/OCLC. Registration deadline is November 3 (or when filled). Housing is
at the Hotel Dorset. Rooms are $149 (single or double). Phone (800)
227-2348 or (212) 247-7300; mention American Library Association when making
room reservations. Housing deadline is October 16, 1995.



The Technical Services Workstation is a technology which brings all the
tools for cataloging together online. The Library of Congress has stressed
development of this technology as a means of increasing cataloging output
and creating more cataloging in less time with fewer dollars. Grassroots
development work in TSWs is beginning to develop momentum and new
infrastructure developments such as McGill's telnet packages and the
upcoming releases of OCLC and RLIN under Windows make integrating various
off-the-shelf software packages increasingly feasible.

Participants will see demonstrations of programs currently in use and the
revolution in macro-based cataloging which these programs have initiated.
Faculty will also present issues of management in relation to
implementation and how and why workflow is affected.


ALCTS and regional networks are sponsoring this institute for catalogers,
managers and administrators planning to develop TSWs


- Michael Kaplan, Harvard University
- Janet McCue, Cornell University
- Matthew Beacom, Yale University
- Bruce Johnson, Library of Congress,
- Mark Bendig, Office of Research, OCLC
- Julianne Beall, Library of Congress (Washington, D.C., only)



9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Registration

9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Welcome and Introduction to the Institute -- Michael
Kaplan, Harvard University

9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Tools of the Trade: Colored Pens, Manual
Typewriters, and the Power PC -- Janet McCue, Head, Technical Services
Division, Mann Library, Cornell

10:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Online Training Modules and Online Utilities --
Matthew Resources, Yale University

12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Lunch on your own

1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Cataloger's Desktop and Online LC Classification --
Bruce Chr. Johnson, Senior Library Information Systems Specialist in the
Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress

2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p. m. Break

2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Electronic Dewey and Electronic LC -- Mark Bendig,
Consulting Systems Analyst, Office of Research, OCLC, and Julianne Beall,
Assistant Editor, Decimal Classification Division, Library of Congress

3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. From Worksheet to Workstation: Harvard's Experience
-- Michael Kaplan, Head, Database Management and Coordinator for OCLC/RLIN
Operations in the Harvard College Library


Registration Form

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services Technical Services
Workstations: The State of the Art of Cataloging

You may register by phone, fax, E-mail, or mail. The deadline is two weeks
before each institute or until capacity is reached.
Mail: Complete this page and mail it with payment to: ALA/ALCTS, Technical
Services Workshop Institute, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.
Fax: Complete this page and fax with payment information to 312-280-3257.
Phone: Call Yvonne McLean at 800-545-2433, ext. 5032. E-Mail: Send
registration information to Yvonne A. McLean at
(credit card or purchase order only). Check, money order, governmental
purchase order, or credit card must accompany registration to reserve space
at the Institute.

Join ALA/ALCTS now and register at member rates!

__ Add ALCTS to my ALA membership                              $45
  (ALA membership number____________________)
__ First time membership in ALA ($43) and ALCTS ($45)          $88
__ Regular renewing membership in ALA ($85) and ALCTS ($45)    $130

Please reserve my space for the TSW Institute on:
__ November 15 (Washington) (4575)      __ November 17 (New York) (4574)

__ Check or Money Order      __ Governmental Purchase Order
__ VISA       __ MasterCard       __ American Express

Card number________________________________ Exp ________

Signature (Signature required for all charges):

__ ALCTS/SUNY OCLC Personal Member            $125
__ ALCTS/FEDLINK/CAPCON Personal Member       $100
__ ALA Personal Member        $175 (NY)       $150 (DC)
__ Non-ALA Member             $225 (NY)       $200 (DC)
(Staff members of organizational members cannot be considered personal members.)
*Registration fees differ based on location of institute.*

Name (as it should appear on badge)
 Organization name
 Organization address

City ___________________________ State _________ Zip ______

 Preferred mailing address:
 Street address

City ___________________________ State _________ Zip ______

Telephone (Office) (       ) _______________________

(Home) (        ) _______________________

E-Mail Address ________________________________________

ALA Membership Number _________________________________

Institutes are offered on a cost-recovery basis and may be canceled if
there is insufficient registration. If an activity is canceled, the
sponsors cannot be responsible for cancellation/change charges assessed by
airlines and travel agencies.

 *****************      Michael Kaplan
 *****************      Head, Database Management
 ***    ***    ***      Coordinator for OCLC/RLIN Operations
 *** VE *** RI ***         in the Harvard College Library
 ***    ***    ***       Widener Library 88
   **** TAS ****         Harvard College Library
     *********           Harvard University
       *****             Cambridge, MA  02138
        ***              E-MAIL:   mkaplan @
                         VOICE:    (617) 496-3794
                         FAX:      (617) 495-0403