Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 10:30:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Enrique E. Gildemeister" <EEGLC@CUNYVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Uniform title authorities (Kathleen Thorne)
In reply to Kathleen Thorne:
In my posting I was proposing a possible solution for those who hate
place as qualifier. I agree one-hundred percent about bending and going with
what makes the most sense, including as you discuss, date.
In 1994 I gave a presentation before the ALCTS Committee to Study Serials
Cataloging on problems with body vs. place, when two different serials have
been published in the same place, but assigning body doesn't work well,
because of multiple name changes, adding and dropping corporate body
affiliation completely, and a few other cases. I brought along samples where
I showed CONSER libraries had indeed been following the best solution, which
was, however, not in the rules or the RI's; they were using place and date.
I think (place and) date is very good for differentiation in cases like those.
The common wisdom, however, is that you use place and date in cases where *one*
serial changes title and then changes back.
The problem I see with using date in monographic series is that people, inclu-
ding catalogers, will think that it reflects the date of the piece in hand.
Kathleen, I got so involved with this that I began to feel like I was beating
a dead horse, so I'll sign off (for now ;-) ). I'm really glad you entered
the discussion and gave your views, not only the actual practice, but your
philosophy. LCRI 25.5B was revised, and you'll find the word "appropriate"
in italics. At the beginning of my work in this area I had wanted a more
detailed RI, but I have come around to the view expressed at the Committee
and at LC *and* the opinions of catalogers at large, that this is something
where you really have to use professional judgment and work on a case-by-case
* Rick Gildemeister *
* Head of Cataloging/OCLC Enhance Coordinator *
* Lehman College, CUNY *
* "Facilis descensus Averno" *
* Voice: (718) 960-7773 *
* Fax: (718) 960-8952 *
* BITNET: eeglc@cunyvm *
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