CAPCON's Fall CE Program Ann Ercelawn 11 Oct 1995 22:52 UTC

Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 18:12:03 -0400
From: CAPCON Workshops <workshop@TRANSCAP.CAPCON.NET>
Subject: CAPCON's Fall CE Program

Cross-posted.  Distribution encouraged.

Registration space is still available for CAPCON's
Fall '95 Continuing Education Series

CAPCON is offering eight continuing education workshops
this fall, all to be held in our new Washington, D.C.,
Training and Education Center.  The workshops cover a
range of topics and should be of interested to library
staff and to individuals in other organizations
interested in information management issues.  To obtain a
fax copy of the brochure and registration form, send your
name and fax number to:

Scheduled Topics and Instructors:

Negotiating Database Licenses, Oct. 16; Trisha L. Davis,
Ohio State University

This workshop is intended for those who are or will be
negotiating rights for use of  information databases
within an organization.  It will include sections on
reading and understanding license agreements, suggestions
for working with your organization's legal counsel, and
strategies for negotiations with database producers.

Interneting the Organization: Preparing for the Impacts
on Staff and Colleagues of Global Networking, Oct. 18 or
Oct. 19, Edward J. Valauskas, Principal and Founder of
Internet Mechanics

What does getting on the Internet mean for organizations?
This workshop will address the planning and preparation
needed for implementation of institution-wide access to
the worldwide network.

Linking Strategic Objectives to the Budget, Oct. 31;
Barbara Robinson, Library Management Consultant

Cost justification can be more effective if budgets are
linked to institutional objectives.  This workshop will
provide library managers with information about how to
develop a better budgeting process and how best to
present that budget to those who oversee it.

Positive Approaches to Conflict in the Workplace, Nov.
14;  Laura Lazar Holbrook, Principal Consultant, Lazar
Holbrook & Associates

Conflict exists in all workplaces.  This workshop will
help staff analyze how they currently approach conflicts
with colleagues, managers, or the public in their
professional life and then provide them with techniques
to resolve those conflicts.

Copyright Law in the Age of Technology, Nov. 16; Laura
Gasaway, University of North Carolina Law School

How does the current U.S. copyright law function in
today's electronic information environment?  This
workshop will address specific provisions of the U.S.
Copyright Act, congressional and ALA guidelines, and
recent court decisions.

Training the Trainer: An Introduction,. Nov. 30; Judith
P. Cannan, Chief, Technical Processing and Automation
Instruction Office, Library of Congress

Knowing how to do something and being able to teach
someone else are different skills.  Since library and
information organization staff members often are called
upon to teach others, this workshop was designed to
provide an overview of effective instruction techniques
to give current and potential instructors the means to
help them develop effective training programs.

New Information Technologies: The 10 Toughest Decisions
Facing Library Managers, Dec. 4; Tom Kinney, Library
Liaison Officer, AMIGOS Bibliographic Council

New opportunities for providing information services can
be both a blessing and a curse.  The rapidly changing
technological environment wrecks havoc on the
decision-making process for most institutions.  This
workshop will give participants an opportunity to analyze
the forces that both constrain and enable managers to
identify and implement new technologies in their

Managing Electronic Serials in the Library, Dec. 13;
Marilyn Geller, Internet Product Specialist, Readmore,

Every day at least one new electronic serial is
introduced on the Internet.  Although many organizations
have developed procedures for handling print serials, the
acquisition and processing of them in electronic form
presents new challenges.  This workshop will address a
variety of management topics for this new form of
information dissemination.