Summmary of Responses Re. Serial Claims (Genevieve Clay)
Ann Ercelawn 10 Oct 1995 14:54 UTC
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 10:31:10 -0400
From: Genevieve <LIBCLAY@ACS.EKU.EDU>
Subject: summary of responses re serial claims
Thanks to the MANY respondants to my question recently posted on
SERIALST concerning the wording of serial claims and how so many claims
are not filled correctly. It is gratifying to know we're not in this
boat alone! I cannot respond to each message I received, so here's a
brief summary:
1. Use another NOTIS vendor correspondence code other than
"suli". That is an option.
2. Underline pertinent parts of the claim letter before it's
mailed out. Not an option for us, as we claim electronically
to our vendor. The claim letters actually go out from the
vendor. We never see them. This also prevents us from
customizing our claim form letter or having the rubber stamp
made confirming that the missing issue is actually missing,
as Di Neumeister uniquely suggested.
3. Use the 800 customer-service telephone number to claim popular
titles. A good option, and we'll do more of this.
I'd like to think that some good things may result from this discussion.
For one, Rosann Bazirjian will have this as the topic of her "Group
Therapy" column in the Feb. 1996 issue of AGAINST THE GRAIN. She is
selecting a publisher and a vendor to respond to the *gripe*. Watch
for the column!
+ Genevieve Clay 606-622-1788 (wk) /\~~~~/\ +
+ Acquisitions 606-622-1174 (fax) > < +
+ Crabbe Library > ^ ^ < +
+ Eastern Kentucky University > (_o_) < +
+ Richmond, Ky. 40475-3121 U +
+ "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." -Auerbach +