Title Problem (Job Title, That Is) (Roy Ziegler)
Marcia Tuttle 31 Oct 1995 13:20 UTC
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Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 16:07:21 CST
From: Roy Ziegler <C771LIB@SEMOVM.BITNET>
To: Multiple recipients of list SEREDIT <SEREDIT@uvmvm.uvm.edu>
Subject: Title Problem (Job Title, That Is)
I am an academic librarian at a medium-sized university. I have
primary job responsibilities for the acquisition of newspapers,journals,
periodicals, magazines, indexes and abstracts (CD-ROM and paper)
in an online environment. The position does not encompass serials
cataloguing or added volumes to standing order material.I'd like to get
some feedback from the members of the list regarding a concensus or
preferred job title. I have what I consider to be an antiquated title
that I'd very much like to be rid of. Please comment directly to me or
to the list. Thanx for any suggestions.
Roy Ziegler
Kent Library
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701