Re: Publisher responses to serial claims Jeanette Skwor 04 Oct 1995 14:51 UTC

In reply to Genevieve Clay:

  We highlight key phrases on the claims we send out, eg, the title, catalog
  number, invoice number, etc.  On the claim in question we highlight, in
  addition, "Send the next and following issues" (which is the sentence after
  the one you quoted).

  It's not perfect--but you've explained to me why we sometimes get these

  Other times I'm still left wondering.  Eg, why do we receive the April
  1994 issue of a journal in response to a claim for July 1995?  And
  sometimes multiples?  I swear, it seems they look at it, say, "Oh a
  claim; what do we have extras of?" and ship them off.

  Ah well....

  Jeanette Skwor
  Collector of life's little foibles