Environmental Health Perspectives (3 messages) Marcia Tuttle 25 Oct 1995 17:12 UTC

Date:         Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:12:09 -0400
From: "Geraldine H. Wescott" <wescott@LYCO.LYCOMING.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Environmental Health Perspectives (Michael Brooks)

We get this title as a depository item.  For 1995 we've received regular
issues no.1,3-9 and supplements no.1-3,5.

Don't know if this helps or not.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*  Gerre Wescott-Periodicals Technician       <wescott@lycoming.edu>    *
*  Lycoming College                           voice - 717-321-4089      *
*  Snowden Library                            fax   - 717-321-4090      *
*  700 College Place                          campus box #141           *
*  Williamsport PA 17701-5192                 "Dux femina facti"        *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 08:17:08 -0500 (CDT)
From: Kathleen A Peterson <PETERSON@AC.GRIN.EDU>
Subject: Environmental Health Perspectives (Michael Brooks)

Starting in 1993, with v.101 the supplements began publication. They
actually resemble what the Environmental Health Perspectives used to look
like physically and contain the same "monographs" which were previously
published as just Environmental Health Perspectives. We receive both
titles as depository titles. Last received for ... Perspectives itself is
v.103:no.9 (1995:Sept.). Last received for the supplement is v.103:suppl.5
(1995:June).  If yours is a subscription, you're probably receiving the
same thing, content- wise as you were before, because the ...Perspectives
itself is now different in format than what it was previously. I believe
that some of this information was retrieved from one of the first
supplements from 1993 as to the format and contents of the supplements.
Hope this helps. I think there was also some discussion of this at the
time, so you may want to search the archives.

Kathy Peterson
Serials Dept.
Burling Library
Grinnell College
Date:         Wed, 25 Oct 1995 10:26:42 -0500
From: Paula Lynch <lynch1@JEFLIN.TJU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Environmental Health Perspectives (Michael Brooks) (fwd)


We subscribe to EHP via Bernan Associates (gov. docs. vendor/distributor
in PA) and we ran into the same problem this past year.  I had to do some
extensive digging to get back on track with our subscription because
SOMEBODY had given Bernan the wrong publishing information!  This is what
I found (deep breath):

Until the end of 1992, Evironmental Health Perspective (EHP) came WITH the
supplemental issues as part of the subscription.

During 1993, the publisher decided to separate the two titles (if you look
towards the end of vol. 100 (1992) and the beginning of vol. 101 (1993)
you will see sibscription information regarding the separation of the two
titles).  What happened, though, is pretty unusual even for federal

According to the announcements and the information given to Bernan, the
rather than considering the separation (and separate subscription $$) of
EHP and EHP SUPPLEMENTS as a SPLIT.  Therefore, EHP SUPPLEMENTS would be a
CONTINUATION of the pre-1993 EHP.

As a subscriber to the pre-1993 EHP, we received some of the vol. 101
issues under the continuation title - EHP SUPPLEMENTS - and several of the
vol. 101 issues under the NEW title - EHP (these supposedly for free).
The NEW TITLE continued the volume numbering of the original EHP and
sported a spiffy new cover, as did the ("continuation") EHP SUPPLEMENTS!

Wait, there's more... The OCLC record for EHP (#1727134) does not reflect
the publishers "definition" of the new title but does note in a 525 the
existance of the SUPPLEMENTS.  A new record was created for EHP
SUPPLEMENTS (#28638184) beginning with vol.101, suppl 1 (April 1993).

(Phew!) I think that's pretty much the long and short of it.  By the time
we had figured all this out, several volumes were already bound and we had
to rebind and rebind and rebind.  We are still missing one plus volume of
the "new" EHP but only one issue of EHP SUPPLEMENTS.

Hope this helps...

PS>> The "new" EHP changed from consecutive numbering to vol/issues and is
published monthly, although vol. 101 seems to be complete in 7 issues.  We
have nothing for vol. 102 (the vol. we did not have a subscription for)
and for vol. 103 (1995) we have issues 1-9.  EHP SUPPLEMENTS is published
bimonthly and vol. 101 MAY be complete in five issues.  We have issues 2-6
for vol. 102 (1994), but have yet to receive any for vol. 103.

PPS>> Michael - since you're so close, feel free to call me or Faye if you
need further clarification!

Paula M. Lynch                           email:
Collection Managment Librarian            lynch1@jeflin.tju.edu
Scott Memorial Library                   phone:
Thomas Jefferson University               (215) 955-8406
1020 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA  10107-5587
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