Serials that come with a CD or diskette (Amey Park) Marcia Tuttle 23 Oct 1995 20:46 UTC

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Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 16:01:32 -0400
From: Amey Park <AMEYP@LMS.KENT.EDU>
Subject: Serials that come with a CD or diskette

I would like to know how other libraries handle serials that come
with a CD or disk(s).

Here are the issues I've identified.:
1.  Do you review the CD or disk for retention?
2.  Do you target the CD or disk?  If so, how?
3.  Do you house the item in the stacks or in a special, secure
4.  Do you separate the serial from the CD or disk?
5.  If you keep the serial and CD or disk together, do you put the
      pocket for the CD or disk in the front or back of the serial?
6.  What do you do if more than one CD or disk comes with the serial?
7.  What do you do when the issue is bound?
8.  If someone checks out the CD or disk and then loses it, do you
      charge them a standard fee, the replacement cost of the issue,
      or do you try to determine the cost of just the CD and bill them

I am especially interested in #2, 3, and 4.  I would appreciate any
feedback and I will summarize results for the list.

Thank you.

 Amey L. Park, Serials Librarian
 P.O. Box 5190
 370 Library
 Kent State University
 Kent, Ohio  44242-0001
 Phone: (216) 672-3024, 672-3025, or 672-3026  ext. 59
 FAX: (216) 672-4811