Info Request -- Grants for Librarianship Master's (Karen Inscoe) Ann Ercelawn 23 Aug 1995 16:38 UTC

Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 08:55:22 -0400
Subject: grants for librarianship/masters??

Please reply *directly* to Karen Inscoe (, not
to SERIALST. Thanks --ed.

Does anyone out there know how one goes about getting a grant or work-study
grant to finish their master's degree
in library science, specifically special libraries--acquisitions, serials,
etc?  I have a bachelor's degree in Business
Administration and would like to get my master's - it has taken me 20 years
to get my bachelors......I don't want to
waaaait another 20 for my master's.  Please email at
I will appreciate any help/answers.  I am close to Catholic University
in Washington, DC and University of Maryland in
College Park, MD.
                                    Thanks                     Karen