Re: Serials Responsibilities (Kathryn Loafman) Ann Ercelawn 22 Aug 1995 18:59 UTC

Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 13:21:42 -0500
Subject: RE: Serials Responsibilities (Kathleen Thorne)

To:   Kathleen Thorne <KATHLEEN@SJSUVM1.BITNET>
      & SERIALST
From: Kathryn Loafman, University of North Texas
RE:   Survey of Serials Responsibilities

>a) cataloging new periodical titles
     Member input and LC copy: Library Assistant III
     Original input: Cataloger (MLS)
>b) cataloging periodical title changes
     Cataloger, but plan to train LAIII to take on this task
>c) closing out cessations
>d) closing out cancellations
>e) inventory of periodical holdings (ie, checking shelves)
     I wish.  Public Service staff EMails when they find an error
     in the online display, error correction done by Cataloger
>f) cleanup of retrocon (splitting out successive titles)
>g) cleanup of retrocon (original input to OCLC, problem correction)
>h) union list entry management
     Cataloger wrote up instructions, LAIII indicates what should be
     input/edited in EMail message, student worker does OCLC entry.
>i) adding holdings statements to records
     Problem holdings statement fixed by Cataloger.
>j) adding subject headings from OCLC records to existing PAC records
>   which have none
     Done at time of cataloging.
     If there is a problem with subject heading, handled by database
     management staff.
>k) adding 510 fields from OCLC records to existing PAC records
     510 fields not edited in OPAC record, downloaded from OCLC at time
     of cataloging