Re: Serials Responsibilities (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn 22 Aug 1995 13:10 UTC

2 messages:

From:   IN%"AGrady@MAILBOX.UNE.EDU" 22-AUG-1995 07:15:33.10
To:     IN%"ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu"
Subj:   Serials Responsibilities (Kathleen Thorne) -Reply

Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 18:39:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: kathleen thorne <KATHLEEN@SJSUVM1.BITNET>
Subject: RE: Inquiry regarding acceptance of serial gifts (Tom

Please, all of you serial folks, especially serials catalogers, I
need your input:

In your library, which of the following things are considered the
work of the serials CATALOGER, which are done by support staff (and
is that under supervision of professional or no?), and which are
clerical or student assistant tasks:
   a) cataloging new periodical titles - MLS encumbered
   b) cataloging periodical title changes - MLS
   c) closing out cessations - Library Technical Assistant
   d) closing out cancellations - Lib.Tech
   e) inventory of periodical holdings (ie, checking shelves)-LibTech
   f) cleanup of retrocon (splitting out to successive entry old
      not yet split) - MLS
   g) cleanup of retrocon (titles for which entries in OCLC don't
      exist or records are incomplete or inaccurate or other
problems) - MLS
   h) union list entry management - LibTech
   i) adding holdings statements to records -LibTech
   j) adding subject headings from OCLC records to existing PAC
records -
      which have none
   k) adding 510 fields from OCLC records to existing PAC records

In addition, are any of you doing any other bibliographic record en-
hancements?  If so, what?  and what level staff is doing it?

I think that's all ... but it's Sunday afternoon, and it's very hot,
and my brain is on overload.  Thanks VERY much for any input you can
all give, especially fairly large libraries.  I owe you all big time.

Kathleen Thorne
Wahlquist Library
San Jose State University, SJ, CA



Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 07:46:16 -0500
From: Shelby Harken <harken@PLAINS.NODAK.EDU>
Subject: RE: Serials Responsibilities (Kathleen Thorne)

> Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 18:39:55 -0700 (PDT)
> From: kathleen thorne <KATHLEEN@SJSUVM1.BITNET>
> Subject: RE: Inquiry regarding acceptance of serial gifts (Tom McFarland)
> Please, all of you serial folks, especially serials catalogers, I
> need your input:
> In your library, which of the following things are considered the work of
> the serials CATALOGER, which are done by support staff (and is that under
> supervision of professional or no?), and which are clerical or student
> assistant tasks:
> C       a) cataloging new periodical titles
> C       b) cataloging periodical title changes
> C & S   c) closing out cessations
> S       d) closing out cancellations
> S        e) inventory of periodical holdings (ie, checking shelves)
> C       f) cleanup of retrocon (splitting out to successive entry old
     titles >       not yet split)
> C       g) cleanup of retrocon (titles for which entries in OCLC don't
>       exist or records are incomplete or inaccurate or other problems)
> C & S   h) union list entry management
> S       i) adding holdings statements to records
> C       j) adding subject headings from OCLC records to existing PAC
      records >       which have none
> C   k) adding 510 fields from OCLC records to existing PAC records
> In addition, are any of you doing any other bibliographic record en-
> hancements?  If so, what?  and what level staff is doing it?

>    We make some changes to the 022 because our holdings link for online
indexes uses the 022 field

> I think that's all ... but it's Sunday afternoon, and it's very hot,
> and my brain is on overload.  Thanks VERY much for any input you can
> all give, especially fairly large libraries.  I owe you all big time.
> Kathleen Thorne
> Wahlquist Library
> San Jose State University, SJ, CA

Shelby E. Harken                |  |
Head, Acquisitions/             \_/|            University of North Dakota
  Bibliographical Control            |\ |       Grand Forks, ND 58202
Room 244                             | \| _     (701) 777-4634
Box 9000                                 |  \   (701) 777-3310 (fax)
Chester Fritz Library                    |_ /