title change or no? (Mitch Turitz) Marcia Tuttle 18 Aug 1995 00:03 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 16:54:43 -0700
From: Mitch Turitz <turitz@MERCURY.SFSU.EDU>
Subject: title change or no? (fwd)

I am forwarding the attached message from Autocat.  My first thought was
to try to see if anyone else (on either Serialst or HaSafran) has the
title in question and to see how they have dealt with it.

I may respond to this later, if no one else does, but I think this may
involve going over the LC rule interpretations in chapter 12.  I seem to
remember something about "whenever the VOLUME NUMBERING STARTS OVER WITH
VOLUME 1" you are supposed to re-evaluate the title as a POSSIBLE title
change (even if the title remains the same).  The concern had something
to do with the possible change in subject coverage which is often
indicated by a change in the numbering by the publisher.

Since it is 5 to 5pm right now, I think I'll wait until tomorrow to look
it up.

-- Mitch

  _^_                                                 _^_
( ___ )-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-( ___ )
 |   |                                               |   |
 |   |     Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian           |   |
 |   |     San Francisco State University Library    |   |
 |   |     Internet: turitz@sfsu.edu                 |   |
 |   |                                               |   |
( ___ )-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-==-( ___ )
   V                                                   V

  "Outsourcing is a desperate remedy for management failure,
    not the criticism of catalogers." -- Michael Gorman,
       "Crisis in Subject Cataloging and Retrieval"
          June 25, 1995, ALA Conference, Chicago

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 14:57:22 MDT
From: YVONNE STROUP <YSTROUP@alexandria.lib.utah.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list AUTOCAT <AUTOCAT@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Subject: title change or no?

The Hebrew review and magazine of rabbinical literature ceased
publication with vol. 3, no. 78 (July 22, 1836) according to OCLC
Record # 6989696.  I have a journal with the same title that began
with new series vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 21, 1859).  The original journal
had the Hebrew title ha-Gal'ed at the head of the title on the volume
title page only.  The new title has the Hebrew title ha-M'asef at the
head of the title on the volume title page only.  My question is,
with that long a period between v. 3, no. 78 and n.s., v. 1, no.1, do
I need to make a new record for the new series? Or do I just want to
edit  the 362 field in the old record?

Yvonne Stroup
Serials Cataloger
Marriott Library
University of Utah