Please reply to Elizabeth Goff, not to SERIALST. Thanks. --ed.
---------------------------Original message----------------------------
Does anyone have any information about the publishers of California
Business or CA Quarterly - Facts and Figures on Austria's Economy?
I reached the publishers of California Business in late April 95 or
early May and was told that the publication would be suspending through
June 95. When no June or July issue arrived I began calling. So far
messages left on an answering machine and a letter sent go unanswered.
Does anyone know if they have completely ceased publication?
Same question for CA Quarterly. Letters have not been answered. Is
Creditanstalt-Bankverein still publishing this?
Please reply to
or Snailmail: Elizabeth Goff Takahashi
Serials Dept.
Information Access Co.
362 Lakeside Dr.
Foster City, CA 94404