Journals ID (Muriel Riester) Marcia Tuttle 17 Jul 1995 13:53 UTC

Please respond to Muriel Riester ( and not
to SERIALST. Thanks! -ed.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 14:42:05 U
From: Muriel Riester <Muriel_Riester@ISU.ISUNET.EDU>
Subject: Journals ID

Dear Colleagues,

We are currently setting up a database for our journals using the
Alexandria software. For the moment we only have about 50 subscriptions.

We try to find the most usefull way to fill in the field "subscription

We have thought of using the journals coden, the ISSN or just use a letter
(like J for Journal or P for publications) and add a number for each

I would be interested in people's experience, which way is the most
currently used...

Please respond directly to me.
Thank you in advance.

Miss Muriel RIESTER 
ISU - International Space University
Bld Gonthier d'Andernach
67400 Illkirch