1995 Listings of E-Serials Available Online Ann Okerson 30 Jun 1995 22:43 UTC

This message is cross-posted to several relevant lists.

The Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing of the Association
of Research Libraries is happy to announce the availaiblity of two
resources of interest to Internet users:
LISTS, 5th Edition, May 1995  (GOPHER EDITION)

An abridged version of this resource is available on the ARL gopher
as of June 30th, 1995.  The URL is:


Here is the path to the gopher version:

yourprompt> gopher arl.cni.org
                Scholarly Communication
                        Directory of Electronic ...
                                1995 ...

This version contains a significant subset from the full database
version available via the printed edition, including: Introduction,
Foreword, a link to Charles Bailey's E-Publishing Bibliography, and the
Titles/Descriptions/Contact information for nearly 700 Internet serials
and 2500 discussion lists.

The journal and newsletter entries were compiled by Lisabeth King,
Research Assistant at ARL; the gopher version was compiled by Douglas
Lay, Research Assistant at ARL.  The e-lists are coordinated and
maintained by Diane K. Kovacs and Team, Kent State University.  The
resource was made available on the ARL server by Dru Mogge, Electronic
Services Coordinator.

For those of you who link to our resource, the 1994 files have now
been dropped and your links to us may no longer work.  Please update
them, and if you have questions, please contact Dru Mogge (dru@cni.org)

For electronic information about the printed edition and how to order
it, please contact: osap@cni.org

Phone:  202-296-2296;  Fax:  202-872-0884
Ask for Patricia Brennan, Communications Services Coordinator

NewJour Announcement List

NewJour is an electronic announcement list that updates the ARL
Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters between its annual,
formal printed and networked editions.  As of June 1995, it has 2,000
subscribers from all seven continents and posts on average ten new
networked serials per day.  "New" titles are either brand new creations
or titles that are newly discovered for the ARL database of e-serials.

NewJour welcomes your interest and announcements and hopes to offer
enhanced services before the end of 1995.

To subscribe to NewJour, send a message to:


Leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message type:

        subscribe NewJour

Direct postings of new serials should be directed to:


NewJour was created in Summer 1993 and and provides a place for creators
of new electronic journals to report their plans and announcements to
potential subscribers.  It is also updated by postings from the ARL
staff as they routinely discover new Internet serial titles (journals,
newsletters, magazines, zines, and other formats).

This electronic conference began on server space provided by the
American Mathematical Society.  In January of 1995 it relocated to a
site offered at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Computer
Analysis of Texts, a group that offered service and support for
our growing enterprise.

The complete set of backfiles of NewJour postings is updated daily
It is a fully searchable archive and can be found at:


The list is co-moderated by:

Ann Okerson/Association of Research Libraries
James O'Donnell/Professor of Classics, University of Pennsylvania

Happy Serial Cyber-Hunting to you all,

Ann Okerson/Association of Research Libraries
Washington, DC