The following is an excerpt from the June 1995 _SRRT Newsletter_
(a publication of the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American
Library Association) and may be of interest to SERIALST readers. --Birdie
"Pushing the Boundaries: Zines and Libraries," a program sponsored by
SRRT's Task Force on Alternatives in Print, will be held Sunday, June 25,
9:30-11:00 a.m. at the Chicago Marriott, Northwestern/Ohio Room.
Cosponsors include ACRL Popular Culture and Libraries Discussion Group,
ALCTS Publisher-Vendor Library Relations Committee, ALCTS Serials
Section, and the Intellectual Freedom Round Table ...
What are zines and how are they significant? Why have the New York
Times, Chronicle of Higher Education, Time and Seventeen all covered
self-published magazines recently? And what about comic zine editor Mike
Diana, prosecuted last year for publishing Boiled Angel? Increasingly
available on newsstands, zines have been raising free speech issues for
years, not to mention concerns about collection development and other
issues. A panel of experts will discuss their place in librarianship.
The panel includes: Billie Aul, Senior Librarian, Manuscripts and
Special Collections, New York State Library; Nancy Bonnell-Kangas,
Editor, _Nancy's Magazine_, and former Assistant Manager, Humanities, Fine
Arts & Recreation Division, Columbus Metropolitan Library; Jim Romenesko,
Publisher, _Obscure Publications_, and Senior Editor, _Milwaukee Magazine_;
and Chip Rowe, Assistant Editor, _Playboy Magazine_ and Chief Honcho,
_Chip's Closet Cleaner_....