Va. Union List of Serials - VASERIAL
Jean Marie Taylor 13 Jun 1995 20:02 UTC
To all libraries and staff that participate in serials union
listing in Virginia:
Announcing VASERIAL
VASERIAL is an open discussion list for Virginia Union List of
Serials participants. It is intended to facilitate
communication among VA$L participants, regional groups and
agents and Library of Virginia union list staff. VASERIAL will
also hopefully provide a forum for questions and discussion
related to technical, administrative and other aspects of union
listing in Virginia. Library of Virginia staff will post
reports, announcements and other information pertaining to VA$L
on a regular basis.
To SUBSCRIBE, address your message to: LISTSERVER@LEO.VSLA.EDU
(NOTE: listserver NOT listserv)
In the text portion of your message write:
Subscribe VASERIAL Your name
For example: Subscribe VASERIAL Sue Smith
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please
contact me as below.
Jean Marie Taylor
The Library of Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
(804) 225-3890