A Jahrbuch of math literature Nancy Emery 09 Jun 1995 19:53 UTC

This message is for anyone out there who has in their collection the
_Jahrbuch fuer die Fortschritte der Mathematik_, a review publication
for math literature published between the years 1871 and 1944 (Volumes
1-68, 1868-1942).

Each of the first 54 volumes is made up of one part.  Starting with
Volume 55, it splits into 2 parts.  That is until Volume 67, which,
according to the University of Michigan Math Library's holdings and
Math Reviews' microfiche collection, seems to be missing the second
part.  Or else Parts 1 and 2 were published and/or bound together.
According to the first part, a second part was intended, but may not
have been published.  We know that Volume 68's second part was never
published, but what about Volume 67?  Our records show review pages up
to page 1128, and additional pages to 1133.  Are there any collections
out there with more than that?  Is our Volume 67 complete or are we
missing a part?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

Nancy Emery
Bibliographic Services
Mathematical Reviews