Acquiring WWW magazines Richard Fell-Marston x639 09 Jun 1995 14:21 UTC

Our Library is experimenting with the acquisition of Web magazines.
As a deposit library for New South Wales we have the problem of
preserving Webzines produced within the State and which may or may
not be about State issues.   Are most of you out there using Mirror
software to acquire HTML documents or are you using Web browsers to
load individual files, links and images.   Using Web browsers to
acquire HTML serials can be a lengthy (uneconomic) and error-prone procedure.
Among the other problems are the need for an operating system with
long-file name support and the need to recreate directory structures
to ensure the links continue to work..
    In addition some of the Webzines morph without settling into a stable
pattern of issues.  Are snapshots the answer.  Mirror software
apparently follows the links within an issue (restricted to home
drive?) and recreates directory structures.  Have these issues been
covered in SERIALS.  I have only been lurking for a few months but
can't recall discussion of the technical procedures for acquiring
Webzines.   Any advice about Mirror software or alternatives would be
welcome.  Thanks in advance,

Richard Fell-Marston
State Library of New South Wales