Re. Design News (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 03 May 1995 18:22 UTC

2 messages, 42 lines:

Date:         Tue, 2 May 1995 15:38:38 -0400
From:         "Morse, Carol" <morsca@WWC.EDU>
Organization: Walla Walla College
Subject:      Re: Design News

I called the publisher some months ago, and they told me they wanted to
make the volume number (50) coincide with their 50th anniversary.
Apparently, they made a mistake in the numbering years ago, and are
correcting it now.

Carol Morse, Serials Librarian
Walla Walla College Library
College Place, WA  99324

Date:         Tue, 2 May 1995 16:57:18 -0500
From:         "Kevin M. Randall" <kmr@NWU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Design News

Re Susan Andrews' question about duplicate volume numbering for Design News:

We no longer have a subscription to Design News, so we didn't run across
this particular problem.  However, it has of course happened from time to
time with other publications, though happily it's a rare situation.  My
solution in the past has been to put an "A" in the vol. number for the
second occurrence; e.g. in a particular situation that I encountered last
year, I remember re-marking some volumes to have two "v.73"s become "v.73"
and "v.73A", then continuing the "normal" numbering from v.74 on.  In the
case of Design News, the 1994 vol. could be called "v.49A".

Kevin M. Randall
Head, Serials Cataloging Section
Northwestern University Library
Evanston, IL   60208-2300

   phone: (708) 491-2939
     fax: (708) 491-7637