Physician Placement Bulletin (Carol Feustel) Marcia Tuttle 20 Apr 1995 00:25 UTC

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Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 15:10:00 -0500
From: Carol Feustel <Carol.Feustel@UC.EDU>
Subject: Physician Placement Bulletin

_Physician Placement Bulletin_ has been published by the California
Medical Association since 1984.  Our library has been on their mailing
list for several years, but the issues suddenly stopped coming.
Attempts to contact the Association by mail or phone has been

I'm hoping someone knows if this is still in publication (still open
entried in OCLC), or if it has ceased.  Any info will be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
Carol Feustel                email: carol.feustel@UC.EDU
Serials Specialist           phone: 513-558-0179
Medical Center Libraries     fax:   513-558-1709
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 670574
231 Bethesda Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0574