Re: cataloging full-text databases eg. Nexis (Rick Gildemeister) Marcia Tuttle 06 Apr 1995 22:43 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 08:24:22 EDT
From: Enrique E. Gildemeister <>
Subject: Re: cataloging full-text databases eg. Nexis

This message is in response to Vicky Grahame's message posted by Jim Michael.
When I saw that cataloging was an option I immediately thought of a wonderful
tool I found on OCLC's WWW space (Oh! that beautiful home page; if you have
graphics capability look at it with awe):

Olson, Nancy B., ed. _Cataloging Internet resources_: a manual and practical
guide. -- <Dublin, Ohio> : OCLC, Inc., c1995. -- 35 leaves. -- ISBN
1556531893. And yes, it provides information for serials, in addition to
other formats.

The document is available via anonymous ftp at:

I have mislaid the address of the home page, but if you put the above address
into a URL ftp://ftp.rsch {etc} that'll probably lead you to it.

* Rick Gildemeister                                               *
* Cataloger/OCLC Enhance Coordinator                              *
* Lehman College, CUNY                                            *
*                            "Facilis descensus Averno"           *
* Voice: (718) 960-8831                                           *
* Fax:   (718) 960-8952                                           *
* BITNET:    eeglc@cunyvm                                         *
* Internet:                                *