I am posting this question for a local hospital librarian. Please respond
directly to me at MCLCINDY@ukcc.uky.edu.
This librarian has been asked by adiminstration to submit a budget for
serials in the usual way, (subscriptions and binding cost) and a
budget for subscriptions on CD-ROM. These administrators believe that
they can subscribe to a title on CD-ROM, receive cds instead of issues,
and receive an annual cumulation. They want to network these cds on
a LAN. This library currently has about 200 subscriptions.
Does anyone have experience with this type of situation. Personally,
I think publishers are making back files available but not current
issues. I am aware that some publishers are making current issues available
through the INTERNET.
If you have any information, please respond directly to me.
Thanks in advance.
Cindy Cline 606-323-6781
Serials Librarian MCLCINDY@ukcc.uky.edu
Medical Center Library
University of Kentucky