Online Documentation SHORT Survey Michael Kaplan 06 Mar 1995 15:03 UTC

Please reply to Michael Kaplan, not to SERIALST.  Thanks.  --ed.

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Many different constituencies, many different lists:  forgive the
overlap.  -MK

One of the tasks given the Standing Committee on Automation by
the Program for Cooperative Cataloging's Automation Appendix is
to explore and encourage uses of all kinds of online

The Committee is sending out a short survey to elicit information
on who is doing what in this regard.

We are NOT interested in uses of commercially available products,
such as the Cataloger's Desktop, but we ARE interested in all
kinds of other documents:  documentation of local interest (e.g.,
procedures manuals), manuals of national scope (e.g., NACO),
local systems manuals insofar as they are not vendor property,
training documents (both of local interest and relating to
national programs), etc., under all kinds of viewers/platforms,
such as FolioViews, Mosaic, Gopher, DOS viewers, etc.

We are particularly interested in standard manuals which an
institution might have keyed/scanned and marked up, particularly
if an institution might be willing to make them available to
others and especially if that institution plans to keep such a
document updated and current.  Replying to this survey, however,
does NOT constitute a commitment.

Our goals are two:

(1)  To find out what kinds of projects have been undertaken in
what contexts, and
(2)  To investigate the possibility of creating a clearinghouse
of online documentation that might be re-usable across a variety
of institutions.  In other words, we want to investigate the
possibility of creating a Cooperative Documentation Database (in
the footsteps of the concept of cooperative/shared cataloging).

Please return the survey to me (address below) by April 7, 1995.


Local Documentation (local procedures manuals, training manuals,

Vendor of local system:

Documents accessible through the Internet:  Y/N
Can you give us a locator (IP address/URL)?
If not on Internet, on a LAN?
Would you be willing to share this document electronically?  Y/N
Are you planning to keep it up-to-date?  Y/N

(Repeat the Description, etc., section as many times as need be.)


Standard Documentation (not only of purely local interest:
     standard manuals, formats, code lists, training manuals for
     national programs, etc.)

Vendor of local system (e.g., NOTIS, III):

Documents accessible through the Internet:  Y/N
Can you give us a locator (IP address/URL)?
If not on Internet, on a LAN?
Would you be willing to share this document electronically?  Y/N
Are you planning to keep it up-to-date?  Y/N

(Repeat the Description, etc., section as many times as need be.)


Institution responding:
Name of respondent:
Email address:

Thank you for taking the time to fill this out.

 *****************      Michael Kaplan
 *****************      Head, Database Management
 ***    ***    ***      Coordinator for OCLC/RLIN Operations
 *** VE *** RI ***         in the Harvard College Library
 ***    ***    ***       Widener Library 88
   **** TAS ****         Harvard College Library
     *********           Harvard University
       *****             Cambridge, MA  02138
        ***              E-MAIL:   mkaplan @
                         VOICE:    (617) 496-3794
                         FAX:      (617) 495-0403