3 messages: ____________________ Date: Thu, 02 Feb 1995 12:18:11 -0400 From: Fritz Schwartz <SCHWARTZSERV@FAXON.COM> Subject: http://www.faxon.com - Faxon's new WWW server Faxon mounts World Wide Web server: http://www.faxon.com February 2, 1995 - The Faxon Company, Inc. announced today the successful mounting of its World Wide Web (WWW) server on the Internet. In doing so, Faxon is providing Internet users with an electronic link to useful information about the serials industry. The WWW server will be available for general access starting on Friday, February 3, 1995. Users accessing Faxon's WWW server will find: o 1996 serials price projections and trends analysis o bibliographic and pricing information on new serials publications o links to over 200 publishers on the WWW o a guide to the Internet designed for librarians o organizations and resources for library and publishing standards o details of the latest advances in EDI in the serials industry o technical support on Faxon products o industry-related conference information Future enhancements to Faxon's WWW server include: o links to Faxon services o online documentation and quick reference guides for Faxon products o full-text articles about the serials industry o additional information on industry standards "Increasingly, we find that the Internet is a tool of choice for libraries," said Ron Akie, Faxon's Director of Marketing and Product Management. "The introduction of a WWW server is a natural progression for Faxon because it reflects our commitment to harnessing and applying appropriate technologies to benefit our clients," Akie further stated. Faxon's WWW server has been designed to accommodate graphical user interfaces such as Netscape and Mosaic as well as Lynx, the most commonly used text-only interface. Faxon has employed years of technical design experience in organizing the architecture and flow of their server, making it simple to locate needed information. In favor of speed and usability, Faxon has intentionally minimized its use of graphics which can often be time-consuming to download. All information on Faxon's WWW sever is kept up-to-date, with new items added on a regular basis. The server can be accessed through the Uniform Resource Locator: <http://www.faxon.com> The Faxon Company, Inc., which provides a wide range of subscription management services to libraries and information centers in academic, medical, business and government communities, is a subsidiary of Dawson Holdings PLC, a publicly-traded, worldwide supplier of information services. ____________________ Date: Thu, 02 Feb 1995 12:42:05 -0400 From: Fritz Schwartz <SCHWARTZSERV@FAXON.COM> Subject: Faxon announces new FTP facility Faxon announces new FTP facility for electronic exchange of data files via the Internet February 2, 1995 - The Faxon Company, Inc. announced today the implementation of a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) facility to allow for the electronic exchange of subscription data with Faxon over the Internet. Through Faxon's FTP facility, clients may exchange standard and non-standard data formats with Faxon. The kinds of documents that will generally be exchanged using the FTP facility are claims, invoices and claims responses. Faxon's FTP facility supports "non-anonymous FTP" ensuring the privacy and reliability of client data exchanges. "The implementation of an FTP facility is consistent with Faxon's overall commitment to provide clients with multiple ways to easily and cost-effectively exchange data electronically with Faxon," stated Fritz Schwartz, Faxon's Manager of EDI and Standards. "We anticipate that the FTP facility will be used by clients who wish to exchange files that are inappropriate for electronic mail and other transfer techniques such as value-added networks (VANs), tapes and diskettes," Schwartz noted. In addition to FTP transfer, there are a number of other ways Faxon can help clients experience the benefits of electronically exchanging data. In general, Faxon remains deeply committed to the implementation of standard X12 EDI over commerical VANs. However, Faxon works with every client, on a case-by-case basis, to determine which method (FTP over the Internet or standard EDI over a VAN) offers the client the greatest advantages, based on the type of information they want to transfer and the resources available at the client site. Faxon clients interested in learning more about implementing the FTP service with Faxon should send an e-mail to: ftp@faxon.com. The Faxon Company, Inc., which provides a wide range of subscription management services to libraries and information centers in academic, medical, business and government communities, is a subsidiary of Dawson Holdings PLC, a publicly-traded, worldwide supplier of information services. ___________ Date: Thu, 02 Feb 1995 16:56:57 -0500 (EST) From: Amira Aaron <aaron@READMORE.COM> Subject: Readmore Gopher, Web server X-To: serialst@uvmvm.uvm.edu, prices@gibbs.oit.unc.edu, pacs-l@uhupvm1.uh.edu, medlib-l@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu, backserv@sun.readmore.com, acqnet-l@cornell.edu Readmore, Inc. announces the availability of two new Internet services. A gopher server (gopher.readmore.com) and World Wide Web server (http://www.readmore.com) designed to facilitate the work of acquisitions/serials librarians will be demonstrated at ALA Midwinter. This is in addition to Readmore's FTP and E-Mail facilities which are ongoing. Among others, access will be provided to the following resources on the Internet: * Archives of the Backserv Exchange List, with WAIS keyword indexing * Catalogs of back issue dealers, searchable and browsable * Catalogs of several scholarly and commercial publishers * New title announcements by publishers - prototype is MIT Press * Access to UnCover, Readmore's document delivery service * Electronic journals, including Citations for Serial Literature and Newsletter on Serials Pricing * Foreign exchange rates, SERIALST searchable archives, etc. * Readmore information, including access to ROSS, Readmore Reporter, etc. For information, call Marilyn Geller, Internet Product Specialist, mgeller@readmore.com, phone: 617-484-7379 or 1-800-221-3306, ext. 383, or Amira Aaron, Academic Automation Specialist, aaron@readmore.com, phone: 617-860-7224 or 1-800-221-3306, ext. 378. ** This message is cross-posted to several lists. Please excuse the duplication. **