Creative Ideas in Tech. Services Disc. Group (Susan Mueller)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 31 Jan 1995 01:55 UTC
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 16:37:54 -0700
From: Susan M Mueller <mueller@SELWAY.UMT.EDU>
Subject: Creative Ideas in Tech. Services Disc. Group
The ALCTS Creative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group invites
Philadelphia ALA Midwinter attendees to participate in the following 3
facilitated round table discussions:
1. What is the future for original catalogers?
2. Self-managed teams in the library
3. The shifting/changing functions in Technical Services
TIME: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1995 4:30-5:30 PM
PLACE: Philadelphia Convention Center, Room 201C
There will be at least 4 tables for each topic to give each participant
the opportunity to exchange information and creative ideas. Please come
and join us! If you are interested in facilitating any of these
discussions contact me immediately by phone or e-mail at the following
address. See you there!
Susan Mueller, Co-Chair, CITSDG
Director of Technical Services
Mansfield Library
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812
406-243-4558 voice
406-243-2060 fax