TLA 1995 Preconference Steven Self 23 Jan 1995 23:50 UTC

I'm sending on some information on an upcoming Texas Library Association
preconference meeting that may be of interest.  Do NOT send inquiries to
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         The Customer-Centered Library in an Era of Networking:
                         Opportunities and Costs

                 Texas Library Association Preconference

Sponsored by the Texas Library Association College and University
Libraries Division.  Co- sponsored by the Acquisitions and Collection
Development Round Table; Automation and Technology Round Table;
Interlibrary Loan Round Table; Serials Interest Group

                         Tuesday, April 4, 1995
                            9:00am - 3:30 pm
                     (Registration 8:30 am - 9:00am)
                              Dallas, Texas

                          Program Participants

Keynote:        Thomas L. Wilding, Director of Libraries, University
                        of Texas at Arlington Libraries

Moderator:      Robert A. Seal, University Librarian, Texas Christian

Contributors:   Amy Chang, Head of Access Services, Texas Tech University
                Karen Liston Newsome, Coordinator, Illinois Research and
                        Reference Center, University of Illinois at
                Billy Barron, Network Services Manager, University of
                        Texas at Dallas

Come hear a challenging preconference program that offers an overview of
the pressures confronting libraries to redefine basic service in response
to changing public expectations in an era of automated remote access to
the library's own resources, to regional consortial resources, and to
broader Internet resources.  The emerging new paradigm of library service
demands imaginative approaches to implementing and financing.  Hear the
philosophical issues, hear concrete experiences in e-mail services, campus
delivery, new approaches to resources sharing and external access, and the
instructional, reference, and collection development implications of the
Internet.  Set the tone for the remainder of the TLA Conference theme of
"Libraries Make the NETwork."

Registration fees: $45 TLA members; $55 non-TLA members

Register through TLA Conference Registration.
Call (800) 580-2852 or fax (512) 328-8852 or e-mail
        for conference packet.
TLA will respond to all requests.
Read your TLACast for more information.