ACRL 7th Annual Conference - pt.2 of 2 Birdie MacLennan 18 Jan 1995 20:25 UTC

Date:         Wed, 18 Jan 1995 08:25:32 CST
From:         Gregg.Opelka@UIC.EDU

     Note: Information in this message is contained in the
     printed ACRL 7th National Conference Preliminary Program
     mailed to ACRL members. If you received the printed program,
     we apologize for the duplication and would appreciate your
     sharing this information with a colleague.

     [FILE 2 OF 2]

              Attend the ACRL 7th National Conference!
                  Continuity and Transformation:
                      The Promise of Confluence

     March 29-April 1, 1995
     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

     Contained in this file:
      o Registration form
      o Travel information
      o Housing information

     For additional information:
      o see the January 1995 issue of College & Research
        Libraries News, P1-P20
      o contact Cynthia Taylor by
        telephone: 1-800-545-2433
      o gopher to 70.
          1. Choose The Library from the menu
          2. Select The American Library Association (ALA)
          3. Select XIII. ALA divisions
          4. Select the Association of College and
             Research Libraries (ACRL)
          5. Select Chapter 10 - National Conferences for
             more detailed information on all aspects of the
             ACRL 7th National Conference


     Directions for completing this form:

     1. Please complete and return this advance registration
     form with your payment or charge card information. Fax
     or mail to:
               ACRL Seventh National Conference Registration
               50 East Huron Street
               Chicago, IL 60611-2795
               Fax: (312) 280-2520

     2.  Advance registration forms must be received no
     later than February 28, 1995. Forms received after that
     date will be subject to a $45 late fee.

     3. Refund requests must be submitted in writing prior
     to March 5, 1995, and are subject to a $50 cancellation
     fee. Refunds will be processed and mailed after May 1,

         Your badge and receipt will be sent to this
     address, if we receive your registration by
     February 28, 1995.

     City                 State     Zip
     Daytime Phone                   Fax
     ALA member no.

     I. Registration Fees (Circle one)
                               Until     Jan. 7-
                               Jan. 6    Feb. 28     Onsite
     ACRL/PLA personal member $160        $185        $225
     ALA personal member      $185        $225        $265
     Nonmember                $280        $305        $345
     FT lib. school student   $105        $105        $145

     II. Preconferences (Circle one)
                                  ACRL/PLA     ALA      Non-
                                   members   members    mem.

     Cultural Diversity and TQM        $75    $100      $135
     How to Maximize Your Resource    $105    $140      $175
     Imaging in Libraries              $99    $134      $170
     Managing Student Workers         $105    $140      $175
     Teaching the Internet            $110    $145      $180
     The Practical Librarian           $65    $100      $135
     Librarians as Campus Leaders      $45     $80      $115
        ___I have special dietary needs.
           (ACRL staff will contact you.)

     III. ACRL Local Tours and Events
          (Circle all that apply)

     Local Library Tour A             $10.00
     Local Library Tour B             $10.00
     Gateway Clipper Fleet            $37.50
     Pittsburgh Symphony              $35.00

     IV. Featured Speaker Luncheon with Ronald Takaki
        ___ Yes, I will attend the Featured Speaker
            Luncheon. (Free with registration, but you
            must indicate here if you wish to attend.)

        ___I have special dietary needs. (ACRL staff will
           contact you.)

        ___I will require Americans with Disabilities Act
           special assistance on site.

     My daytime phone number is: __________________

     V. Summary of Fees

         I.   Registration                 $________________
         II.  Preconferences               $________________
         III. ACRL Local Tours and Events  $________________
                                     Total $________________

         _____    Check enclosed (Make payable to ACRL)
         _____    Charge

         ___VISA  ___MasterCard  ___American Express

         _______________________________   ________________
         Card Number                       Expiration Date


         Badge Information
         Please print exactly what you want to have printed
         on your badge. Include First Name, Last Name,
         Organization Name, Organization City, and State

         Note: All tours and events are offered on a
         cost-recovery basis and may be cancelled if
         there is insufficient registration. In the event
         that an ACRL-sponsored activity is cancelled,
         ACRL cannot be responsible for any
         cancellation/change charges assessed to registrants
         by airlines, travel agencies, or hotels.

     Housing/travel information

     Conference Hotels

     The Ramada Hotel - One Bigelow Square
     Downtown all-suite hotel situated in the center of
     Steel Plaza.

     The Westin William Penn
     Grand-style hotel in the heart of the Golden Triangle
     business district, opposite Mellon Square.

     Hyatt Regency Pittsburgh
     Deluxe contemporary hotel situated downtown atop a
     nine- floor office building.

     Pittsburgh Vista
     Sleek 25-story hotel with a 4-story atrium lobby_part
     of Liberty Center hotel, office, and retail complex.
     Across the street from the convention center.

     Discount Airfares to Pittsburgh

     Travel Technology Group is the official travel
     management company for ACRL.  TTG will offer ACRL
     members and exhibitors discounted airfare to Pittsburgh
     on American Airlines (15% off coach; 5% off lowest
     applicable fare) and US Air (10% off coach; 5% off
     lowest applicable fare).  TTG will also provide ACRL
     with the following services and incentives:
       o  Book your airline ticket to Pittsburgh through TTG
          before the ALA Midwinter Meeting and be entered in
          a drawing to win a free airline ticket to anywhere
          in the continental United States; the drawing will
          be held at the ACRL booth
       o  $100,000 flight insurance with every ticket
       o  On-site assistance for help with changes
       o  Friendly, experienced agents to assist with all
       o  Your ticket will be mailed within 24 hours of

     To make your airline reservations, call Travel
     Technology Group at (800) 355-8091 or (312) 527-7270,
     Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (CST).

     Discount Rail to Pittsburgh
     To book rail reservations on Amtrack for 10% off their
     lowest fare, call (800) USA-RAIL.  (File #X016F930)

     Directions from the Airport to Downtown
     Getting from the airport to downtown Pittsburgh is easy
     and convenient. The Airline Transportation Company
     operates a shuttle service between the airport and
     downtown hotels every 30 minutes weekdays and every
     hour evenings and weekends. Taxi, limosine, and car
     rental services are also available.

     In late March and early April, Pittsburgh's daytime
     high temperatures average near 40 degrees F., however
     the weather can change suddenly.

     Association of College and Research Libraries
     Seventh National Conference
     March 29-April 1, 1995
     Pittsburgh, PA

     ACRL Travel Desk
     110 West Hubbard
     Chicago, IL 60610
     fax: (312) 329-9513
     (800) 355-8091

     Please print or type.
       o  Return completed form and first night's deposit to
          Travel Technology Group.  A first night's
          deposit, by credit card or check, is required to
          secure hotel reservations.
          Make checks payable to: Travel Technology Group.
       o  All changes/cancellations should be made with
          Travel Technology Group up to 30 days prior to the
          meeting date.  After this date changes should be
          made directly with the hotel.
       o  A written confirmation will be sent to you within
          7-10 days of booking your reservation.

     Hotels and Rates
                    Sgl  Double  Triple  Quad   Suite

     The Hyatt     $92    $92    $102    $102   on request
     Ramada Hotel   --     --     --      --    junior: $90;
                                                1 bdrm: $110
     Vista        $110   $120     --      --     on request
     Will. Penn   $110   $130     --      --     on request

     Last Name of Occupant

     First Name


     City                          State          Zip

     Phone                         Fax

     Arrival date_______________________
     Departure date_____________________

     Hotel Choice:
     1st choice:
     2nd choice:
     3rd choice:
     4th choice:

     Room Type:  (check one)

               __single             __double       __triple
               __quad               __junior suite
               __1 bdrm suite       __no smoking

     Sharing with (if applicable)

     Room Guarantee:
     __Check enclosed        Amount $__________________


     Credit card type: _______________________

     Card #: _________________________________

     Expiration date________________________________

     Cardholder name


     Deposit is nonrefundable if reservation is cancelled
     less than 72 hours prior to arrival.

        Gregg Opelka, Editorial Assistant
        C&RL News, ACRL, American Library Association
        (312) 280-2514