ALCTS CSSC 1994 annual meeting summary Joe Altimus 11 Jan 1995 01:25 UTC


  At the first meeting, Ann Vidor announced that she has resigned as Chair of
the Committee because she was elected as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect of the Serials
Section.  The Committee approved a change in the wording to describe LC's
liaison to the Committee.  Revisions to the guidelines for the Committee's
minutes were discussed and approved.

  At its second meeting, the Committee heard reports about serials activities
at LC and NSDP from Regina Reynolds, including updates on format integration,
proposed changes to RI 25.5B, and treatment of series at LC.  Jean Hirons
reported on CONSER, including the efforts to define the elements of a core
serial record.  Jean Altschuler reported events from CC:DA of interest to
serial catalogers, such as a planned set of conferences next year to discuss
the future of the cataloging rules, as well as publication of guidelines for
cataloging interactive media.  Margaret Mering reported on MARBI topics
relating to serials, and also reported on a Serial Catalogers' Discussion Group
at the NASIG conference.  Ann Vidor described the format and content of the
Serials Cataloging Institutes scheduled for 1995 in Atlanta and San Francisco.

  The Committee and the audience discussed three serials cataloging questions.
A question about the treatment of unnumbered series resulted in agreement that
the second sentence of rule 12.3D1 could benefit from having the word
"numbering" changed to "designation." A question about uniform titles for
serials translations led to discussions that revealed many institutions are
dissatisfied with the current rules and routinely change 130s to 730s.  A
question about cumulative indexes was discussed.  There was agreement that if
there is a lack of time available to maintain 555s, the rules and RIs do allow
for more general treatment of this information.

Summary by Joe Altimus

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