Re: Question re. Journal of the IEE Nancy Birkrem 09 Jan 1995 14:35 UTC

I can add nothing to what David van Hoy said except to say that the
question of when the title began is the sort of thing that I send
verification to OCLC when I have it.  The note in NST would seem to
complicate matters for this particular title, but I hope others will
agree with my basic principle: if you have gone to the trouble to verify
an apparent discrepancy, tell someone who has the power to do something
about it.  There is bound to be another library out there who will
appreciate the work you have done.

[Nancy Birkrem <>]

> Date:         Wed, 4 Jan 1995 17:41:57 EST
> From:         Marilyn Quinn <rdt15@LIBRARY.MT.ATT.COM>
> I am assuming that #1752472 should have a 130 with a qualifier of the
> year 1955, as in the key title in 222.  This title calls itself a
> new series for only the first three volumes.  It resumes the previous
> Journal of the IEE, but as far as I can tell, it begins in 1955, not
> 1949, as in the oclc record.  The issues on our shelf for 1949-1954
> are called Proceedings of the IEE and reflect oclc record #2422018.
> The enumeration of the Proceedings continues the enumeration of the
> original Journal, which is why the Journal had to start its numbering
> over again when it resumed a few years later.