Remember, I said AMERICAN DEMOGRAPHICS invited e-mail suggestions and I
sent in a list, along with a query about volume & issue #? Tho't you
should be in on the reply, also. We do have some power, after all!
:-) :-) :-) Jeanette Skwor----- Begin message from
IN%"" 5-Jan-95
From: IN%"" "Wade Leftwich" 5-JAN-1995 13:43
Subj: A Librarian's Wish List
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 1995 14:41:19 -0500 (EST)
From: Wade Leftwich <>
Subject: A Librarian's Wish List
Message-id: <950105194118_73567.3540_HHE75-1@CompuServe.COM>
When we redesigned the cover, we took the volume and issue nubers off. We meant
to put them on the table of contents, but we goofed, and boy have we heard
about it from reference librarians. They'll be back next month!
The January 1995 issue is volume 17, number 1.
Thanks for your comments. I'll pass your message on to our editors.
Wade Leftwich
American Demographics & Marketing Tools magazines
127 W State Street, Ithaca NY 14850
tel 607-273-6343 fax 607-273-3196
----- End forwarded message