Re: Gordon and Breach (Peggy Hull)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 31 Jan 1995 20:43 UTC
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1995 08:29:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Peggy Hull <PH2266@USAV01.GLAXO.COM>
Subject: RE: Gordon and Breach (Debbie Kalvee)
We have cancelled all G&B and Harwood titles for which we have not yet been
invoiced by our vendor; those that have been already paid for will be can-
celled at the next opportunity. This action is being taken to protest the
devious and high-handed business practices of a publisher who seems not
quite in touch with its true consumers-- librarians. It's not just the price
increases, the refusal to quote prices clearly, the confusing and contradictory
communications they put out, the attempt to get us to pay for things we
don't need or want-- it's the whole manner in which this has been done.
At a time when publishing and scientific communication are undergoing
revolutionary changes and librarians and publishers are creating
forward thinking alliances, who needs these people?
Peggy Hull