Summary - "Duplicate Year End Issues" (Sonya Foust) Marcia Tuttle 04 Jan 1995 15:03 UTC

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Date: Wed, 4 Jan 1995 09:25:41 -0400
From: Sonya Foust <>
Subject: Summary - "Duplicate Year End Issues"

Thanks for all who responded...nice to know we have lots of company with
this problem. Did not hear from any agents or publishers so will list the
responses from libraries as to why they feel the problem exists!

   1)publishers/fulfillment centers/vendors hire "temporary" staff
     to process the large rush of orders in the fall. Many orders
     that are "renewals" are processed as "new" orders.

   2)Different address variations are used by those involved in
     the process. One libraries name was too long to fit on one
     line so everyone shortened it in their own way!

   3)Fulfillment houses immediately begin a "new" subscription
     but if you check mailing label expire it is correct. One
     person suggested that monthly quotas for new subscriptions
     are "padded" in this manner.

  4)Library has changed its name or address.

Possible "helps" for the problem....(don't know of a solution!!!)

  1)Send duplicate labels immediately to agents so they can send
    them on to publisher/fulfillment houses.

  2)Library should immediately call publisher direct and tell them
    the problem. Have the labels handy so you can read any info
    to them. Money spent on long distance calls is offset by less
    time spent on staff labor.

   3)Send all renewals rec'd from publishers to agent before renewal
    is generated. Agent can then use subscriber number on invoice.
    (doesn't always work because renewals are done before publisher
    begins to send out renewals)

  4)If known, add member numbers or account numbers to renewal list
    sent to agents.

  5)Get publishers to provide a unique identifier for each
    subscription regardless of which agency was handling the
    subcription, so when you change vendors the subscription
    number would be transferred. This would also help in
    claiming and eliminate the need to send proofs of payment..
    again you would use the unique number for all correspondence.

Perhaps some of you were on break for the holidays and did not
get to put "your" two cents to this discussion...please add
any comments....many are just frustrated at this time of year
with all the waste of time and material trying to straighten
out this problem!  Hope this gives you some food for thought!

Happy New Year!

Sonya Foust, University of Dayton, Roesch Library, Periodicals