Duplicate Exchanges (Betty Roeske) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 30 Nov 1994 20:13 UTC

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 13:36:52 -0500
From: Betty Roeske <roeskeb@IIA.ORG>
Subject: Duplicate Exchanges

I would like to have information on how other chapters or organizations
handle Duplicate Exchanges.  I am the Chairperson for the Chicago
Association of Law Libraries Duplicate Exchange and also for the American
Association of Law Libraries Exchange of Duplicates.

1.  Has anyone used the INTERNET as a group to send their lists out?  Or
do you still use paper lists?

2.  Do you publish your lists as a separate entity or do you include it
in an organizational newsletters?

Please send all responses to me and not to the list as a whole.

Thank you for sharing.

Betty Roeske                    | SCHIFF HARDIN & WAITE
Technical Services Librarian    | 7200 Sears Tower
roeskeb@iia.org                 | Chicago, IL. 60606
                                | 312-258-4713