Periodicals retention periods Martin Beckwith 15 Nov 1994 17:20 UTC

Red River Community College Library has a serials collection of about 650
titles. We do not bind any titles. Our holdings policies range from 10
years to 2 years depending on the usage a title gets, not on any
"scientific" formula. However, we are running out of room to store our
back issues and need to approach holdings periods more logically than in
the past. We would be interested in policies in other libraries and the
rational for those policies. The impact of full-text CD-ROM databases is
also a concern: ie, should we keep back issues of paper copies even though
we have full-text CD-ROM access to them?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Martin D. Beckwith     
Red River Community College      Phone: (204) 632-2417
2055 Notre Dame Avenue           Fax:   (204) 697-4791
Winnipeg, Manitoba               Envoy: ill.mwrr
Canada R3H 0J9