Serials vendor info. (Marcia Whipple) Marcia Tuttle 19 Oct 1994 16:01 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 08:28:07 PDT
From: Marcia J. Whipple <whipple@NOSC.MIL>

We are trying to continue our subscriptions to two British publications:
1) Journal of Operational Research Society and 2) Radio Communications.
FAXON cannot supply the publications.  We tried direct orders.  The navy
will not send money to a foreign country so we are missing two years.  Is
there a US vendor who can help us? (I have also posted a message on

Marcia Whipple
Naval Command Control and Surveillence Center
RDTE Division
San Diego, CA