(no subject) Birdie MacLennan 10 Oct 1994 20:18 UTC

Please reply to Katharin Foster, not to SERIALST.  Thanks.  --ed.

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
                   Ohio University Electronic Communication

   Date:  10-Oct-1994 03:01pm EST
     To:  Remote Addressee              ( _MX%"cirm@ohiolink.edu" )
          Remote Addressee              ( _MX%"SERIALST@UVMVM.UVM.EDU" )
          Remote Addressee              ( _MX%"ACQNET-L@LESTER.APPSTATE.EDU" )

   From:  Katharin Foster                            Dept:  Library
          FOSTERK                                  Tel No:  614-593-0003

Subject:  Formulas?/Core Periodicals?

    As Head of Collection Development at the Ohio University Libraries, I
    am posting the following requests on behalf of our internal
    Acquisitions Fund Allocation Formula Review Committee.  Please respond
    to me privately by email or post to the addresses listed below.  (Or if
    responding in either of these ways is inconvenient, would you be
    willing to respond in a brief phone conversation initiated by me at a
    time convenient for you?)  Thanks, in advance, for assisting us in
    obtaining information about one or both of these topics.

    1.  If your library has an acquisitions fund allocation formula, please
    provide us with a description of it and details concerning its
    structure and application.

    2.  If your library maintains a core collection of periodicals covering
    all subjects, please provide us with a description of it and the
    criteria used to select the titles comprising it.

    Thanks again for your assistance.

    Katharin Foster, Head
    Collection Development
    Acquisitions Department
    The Ohio University Libraries
    Athens, Ohio 45701